Pediatrics: A Clinical Approach

Pediatrics: A Clinical Approach



Modern pediatric practice is becoming more complex, with an ever-increasing dependence on sophisticated laboratory, electrophysiological, and imaging workups. In addition, progressively improving medical treatment has led to improved patient survival. These revolutionary advancements in healthcare have significantly impacted the practice of medicine, including the training of medical doctors.

Doctors and medical students encounter great difficulties obtaining the diagnostic impression, also known as the probable diagnosis. In contrast to the definitive diagnosis, which in some cases requires many clinical investigations, the impression diagnosis is solely based on the patient’s clinical signs and symptoms. The contribution of a thorough medical history and physical examination toward determining the probable diagnosis cannot be overstated. For centuries, Pediatricians have recognized that a good history and physical examination are the cornerstone of clinical practice, a concept that is emphasized in this book.

In settings with limited resources, there is inadequate access to investigations. Those available are costly, restricted to hospitals in cities, and hence unaffordable to many patients. In this setting, doctors mostly rely on the constellation of clinical symptoms and signs. Although disease patterns keep changing, logical approaches to diagnosis still need to be followed.

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